MakoStars aims to be a trusted educational website. Our main mission is to encourage people to learn English by providing information and resources for using English in their professional and personal lives.

While all products are chosen independently, MakoStars may receive a small share of the revenue if you purchase a product after clicking on one of the links we provide.

MakoStars depends on revenues from advertisements, subscriptions, affiliate income, consultation, sale of premium content, and commission. This revenue enables us to constantly publish posts about useful topics, reinvest in our products, support our infrastructure, and provide you with more high-quality content overall.

Our funding in no way influences our editorial guidelines or the way we apply to research, create, and edit any post.

Authors have complete freedom to research any and all topics and report what they find, whatever the result is. Our main aim is to serve the reader best and offer the highest quality and most accurate content.

Having a link to a product in no way is an endorsement of the product or its effectiveness unless we explicitly state that we support the product.

We receive funding from advertisements, affiliations, subscriptions, premium content (Ebooks, online video courses), and consultations.

We generally choose the ads we display for affiliate or partner products and curate them accordingly. However, with our ad network, the ads they show are not controlled by MakoStars and are instead chosen by the ad network and influenced by your own browsing history.

We make a clear distinction between ads and our editorial content.

Occasionally, we will publish content as part of a promotion of one of our sister companies or affiliates. These posts will be clearly distinguished from our other content. We only work with affiliates that align with our goals and mission. As a result, we only present products we believe are of value, high quality, and can improve our readers’ health.

The proceeds from the commission of your purchases are reinvested into our website and services, in order to serve you better. Thanks for your support!