How to become a Digital Nomad and see the world!

Becoming a digital nomad can for some people be a seemingly easy process, if you are already working online then simply moving to another country will most likely not affect your work. If however you don’t have online income currently then you must start looking at how to change that.
Start by thinking about what you like to do or what you are good at, do you like writing or maybe you’re an excellent and thorough reader. Is photography your thing or videography? There are plenty of options for almost any skill online! There’s more to being a digital nomad than just influencers and travel blogs.
If you have a background in content writing for example a blog that you have been adding to over the years then why not give professional writing a go, there are countless sites out there looking for writers! Topics such as travel, education, technology news ect.. Are all great to try if you are interested in them. Try approaching a few content websites or again try looking on sites like UpWork.
You could also try the other side of writing and look for some jobs proof-reading. Many people now-a-days like to self publish their own books and getting a proof-reader to check for errors is a crucial part of the process.
Feel like you want to share your art talents with the world? People are always looking for great art work for their new avatar or a book/album cover, you could even draw caricatures of people online or design someone’s dream tattoo! The limits are only by your imagination here, and the best way I have found to market this is on Fiverr, a site which lets your freelance a wide offering of different talents.
Here’s few other notable mentions in the world of digital nomad jobs:
These are just a small offering of the types of jobs out there online, and hey, if you can’t find your niche, create it! Go to sites like Fiverr and create your own listing and advertise your talents, you never know what kind of services people need online..
Want to read more about this topic in Japanese? check out 【海外ノマド生活編Part.2】海外を転々としながらできるオンラインの仕事